"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi

Spirit People aims to positively impact our local and global community by curating a marketplace of sustainable yoga and related products. We only partner with companies that prioritise ethical production and have a positive environmental footprint. By supporting us, you're also supporting these companies, their communities and our shared vision for a better world.
Our Vision is that when our community engage with us, they and their families will feel more inspired and empowered to live in alignment with their spirit and to live their daily lives in a more loving, honest and connected way; a way that serves their highest consciousness, their community and the planet.

We believe that even the smallest acts of kindness can make a difference in the world, from your direct impact on others through the words you choose to speak, to the less direct impact caused from everyday purchases you make.

Buy Less
Choose Well
Make it Last


Our primary mission is Seva - "To be of Service". Service to you, the community, the earth and all beings. To serve and elevate the greater consciousness of our planet and the universe. We want you to know that every time you buy our beautiful, ethical yoga clothes and related products, you can feel good knowing that your purchase is helping to make a difference in the world. You can rest assured that we have only sourced products from companies who care about fair trade, ethical production and environmental impact. 

There is no dropshipping here. Everything is stored and personally handled from our Gold Coast, Australia headquarters, we ship your packages in 100% plastic free wrapping and choose carbon neutral transit options wherever possible. 

Together we can make a difference, we can "be the change we wish to see in the world".